Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Change is in the wind

Joseph went off to his new home last week.  I sure like the people who took him.

Last weekend I rode a nice mule.  This weekend I'm going back for a longer ride.  I really liked him.  But riding in a round pen isn't the best way to get to know them.  He was very responsive and knew what I would want him to know, but I wonder if maybe he's a little hyper-alert.  Excuses: It was dinner time, and he hasn't been haltered since September, hasn't been ridden in nearly year, has never been ridden by a woman and has only had one rider the last 6 years.  So what we saw was the worst representation you could get, and I still felt safe enough to take a short ride (without my helmet - shhhh).  He's a 10 year old grullo gelding  probably from a quarter horse mare but who knows.  He has a little head and smallish ears, sturdy legs without being coarse, narrow, not stout, but sturdy.  Did I say sturdy twice?  He really does feel steady and strong under the saddle. He's got tons of trail miles and has even done a couple parades.  He seems honest & willing.  I sent off a DNA sample for a PSSM test.  Looks like I might not get results this week.  I'm impatient!
The sun is shining, the days are longer, the frogs are singing, and spring is in the works.  Grass is even greening up!

Scout seems a little off since I vaccinated and wormed yesterday.  Gas?  Hind end pain?  I'm not sure.  I'm thinking I'd better test him for EPSM too at some point.  Hope he gets over it soon.  Bella is sweet as ever.  She was sure sad when Joseph left.  Bob is out on baby green pasture and Pedro is corralled in drylot (mudlot), which he isn't very happy about.  I think mostly he's bored and wants attention.

The weather is getting nicer and now I'm working more hours.  I am really, really hoping we get someone trained to cover those extra hours soon!  I want to play outside!

I feel aimless and a little lost, moving away from my mustang journey.  I'm not sure if I'll want to move away from this blog and start a new one or what. I can't imagine erasing all my posts about Tonka.  (Does anyone know of an easy way to backup/save an entire blog?) 

That's it for now.  Quick and to the point tonight.  I didn't sleep well last night and I've got a long week ahead.  Live long and prosper!  Ride a good horse (or mule or donkey)!


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Glad Joseph's with good people.

    I've never ridden a mule, but have seen some and known some people who have them. Those who have mules seem to swear by them. Will be interested to see what you decide.

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

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  3. There IS a way to save your blog! I can't remember exactly but I will have to go look..I think it is in the settings area. I know I've done it before because I didn't want to risk losing all my posts. They are like a journal.

    I hope you don't change your blog too much. I love reading your posts. You are so thoughtful. You still have mustangs. And the history is still there. We all grow and change as time goes on and there is nothing wrong with your blog changing too. It is a saga after all. Not just about mustangs but about yourself and all equids!

  4. Btw, I have ridden mules before and loved them. They can be really great, but still occasionally have a mind of their own. I like them, but have great respect for their strength and intelligence.

  5. Go to the controls page, and on the left column of choices, you choose "settings" then select "other" then blog tools and "export blog". It lets you export it as a document.

  6. You still have Bella and Scout to be your mustangs. :) You do like your donks so much it makes sense that you might like a mule too, and no flashbacks to Tonka, hopefully. I love grulla in horses. It seems to go with a sensible hardy sort of horse, so hopefully that translates to mules. Take your time with getting this guy, and do make sure you do a trail ride or two before you say yes. If he needs a little work to get him going again, have them do it before you try, or take someone with you who is game to get out there first. You need to be really confident that your next mount is trustworthy and steady to help you get your confidence back.
