Monday, March 17, 2014


 Isn't he a cutie?


  1. Yes he is. He has a nice looking face. The best two horses I have ever had, had mealy muzzles. I hope when he sheds out it remains mealy. This is good luck as far as I'm concerned.

    I have always been told it's bad luck to change a horses name...and because of that I have more than one horse with a really stupid name. You might get away with it because he's a mule though. If you keep it, think Johnny Cash and not money.

    Well I've got to go back to sulking because I can't ride

  2. He is cute and has a very kind eye.

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM


  4. Thanks guys!

    I've always liked a mealy mouthed horse too. My first horse had that, and I find it very attractive. Although a dark mule with a face is very striking since there aren't many of them.

    I don't really believe in bad luck, so I'm not really worried about that. I have heard that somewhere before though.

  5. Correction: a dark mule with a *solid* face.

  6. Very cute! He has a lovely big jaw. Linda Tellington-Jones says that is a sign of lots of intelligence. He does look sensible and like a thinker as well as kind.
