Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bob and Pedro Meet Jasper

Today Jasper and Bob were finally introduced.

First over the fence,

And then out in the pasture.  You'd think Jasper had been locked up for ages, but he had been in an even bigger pasture.  He was just excited.

And then they were downright boring.

I asked them to follow me into the next pasture, which Jasper has never been in.

Pedro was excited too.  I really don't think he liked Jasper.

Scout was showing off his moves.

They're synchronized trotters.

And lame little Bella sure does have some moves too!

Today was beautiful but I didn't ride or really do any actual work with horses.  I planted some seeds, did some housework, took Katia to get a root canal, watched the critters frolic, visited my sister and her new puppy, trimmed some hooves, and scratched some sweaty-hairy-itchy beasts.  It was a good day.  But now that it's dark I wish I had taken some time to ride!

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