Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bob is doing better

Today he is walking just about normal.  The abscess is still open and draining.  Hopefully we've seen the worst of it!  As usual, I was probably freaking out over nothing.  :)  I've been enjoying my time with him, even when he's being sassy.  I gave him the run of the place again today, and when I went to get him he came hurrying toward me.  I was thinking, "Oh, how sweet," but it turned out he was hurrying past me to get back to the good grazing in the shade.  He didn't want to be put away yet!  I let him get away with it.  He was easy to catch later.  I gave him a piece of watermelon.  He thought it was disgusting.  He'll stick with carrots, thank you very much.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Glad to hear he's feeling so much better!

  2. Good bot bob! Weird on the watermelon. All mine have loved it. My last girl adored bananas too!

  3. Oh that should be good BOY Bob! :)

  4. Most abscesses are scary, but ordinary. I'm so glad Bob got an ordinary one.
