Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scout is Sick

Wednesday while we were walking, Scout coughed pretty vigorously for a minute or so. I thought maybe he had a bit of a tickle. Maybe a piece of food not swallowed correctly, although it had been an hour since he ate his supplements. That night I heard him cough after running in to eat, but they often cough after running. I heard a quiet cough Friday night too. Then when I went out to get him yesterday, his nose was all snotty. So no exercise for him.

I don't know how this could be a virus. Nobody has been anywhere. Unless Luc is carrying something. They were just introduced to each other a couple weeks ago. Maybe he just has some irritation from pollen or hay or something...

 I didn't take his vitals (need to buy a thermometer) but he seems happy and spunky and is eating well, so that's good.

I talked to the vet & she thought he could wait until Monday to be seen. I may or may not take him in, depending on his demeanor. If he stays bright and happy I might just wait and see if his immune system can kick this. If he doesn't, I'll probably take him to a vet with a scope so they can see if there's a foreign body.

So we are going to be way behind in this horsemanship challenge. Oh well, I have plenty of other equines to play with! Wish the challenge didn't include riding, because he's my only rideable one.

 I've been unhappy with my cheap lead ropes for a while now, so I finally ordered some rope. I had a vague memory of handling some New England rope that I really liked, so after looking around I ordered their Multiline II from Columbia Basin Knot Co. When it arrived I wasn't sure I had remembered the right rope, but it is a 3 strand, soft on the outside, tougher than cotton rope.  I think it is the right one. And I even remembered how to splice it. It's kinda stiff compared to cotton, but I think I am going to love it once I actually get to use it. I'll let you know.

Today Luc and I might work on trailer loading. I'm excited to make him my priority today. He is special. Like Tonka, maybe...  I don't want to speak too soon about that, but he makes me laugh, and he's so bright eyed and eager to play. I can't quite put words to it, but he has something inside that reminds me of my Tonka, and makes me happy. Maybe a clownish nature, with a desire to connect.

This is just a picture from my walk yesterday. Love the green!


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sorry he's sick - hope you get it figured out soon. Dawn had something similar a month or so ago - snotty from one nostril only. Vet had us do a course of SMZs and it cleared right up. She never had a fever either.

  2. Glad you and Luc are bonding!

    Gee that captcha text is a killer! I had to ask for a change about five times before I got one I could actually read! Are you aware that commenting is currently requiring verification?

    1. I didn't know it was doing that. I hate those things! I'll try to get it fixed today. Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Kate, I'm glad she cleared up! These horses sure do keep us on our toes. I haven't started Scout on antibiotics yet, I'm going to wait and see if he clears it up on his own. I think he will. He really is only mildly sick, but that gob of snot I first saw was sure alarming!
