Monday, March 30, 2015


Luc met the dentist yesterday. He was more afraid than I expected. She parked her truck and trailer right next to the gate and he wasn't sure he wanted to come out. But he did. And he was very curious about the trailer. He stepped right up onto the ramp to look things over. The vet led him into the trailer and he followed well, but I did have to stay at his shoulder to help him feel more secure. I really need to have him spend time with people other than me so these situations will be more comfortable for him. He did try to back out at one point, but by then the back gate on the stocks was closed. so it was a no-go.

His teeth were pretty disorderly.

The two retained top incisors had to go, and they didn't really want to. Also, the lower left center (your right) incisor was hanging on to its baby tooth, but it was flapping around with a very sharp point that dug a hole in his lip. Poor guy.

He had a loose wolf tooth and a blind wolf tooth, lying horizontal and unerupted. Of course those had to go too. I carefully saved all the teeth to show you, but then I accidentally flipped the all over a weedy spot outside, so you'll just have to imagine 5 bloody white things.

The only thing I found concerning was a weird gap in all four quadrants of his molars. Probably just another baby tooth thing, but it bears watching. They are trapping food and she had to irrigate to get a good look at what's going on. All of these little added procedures, plus a sheath cleaning and health certificate, made for an expensive visit. 

We went on from here to do dentals on 6 other horses. It was an interesting and rather tiring day. I work with her again on Wednesday. I really enjoy meeting horses and their people. I think I haven't helped her with this group of horses before, so it ought to be fun.


  1. I saw this picture on your Facebook. Wow! I guess you're learning a lot in your new job, too.

  2. I've actually been working with the dentist for something like 3 years now. I love it. I wish it wasn't such an on again, off again gig, but a lot of the work she does is out of the area. I usually do learn something new . This time it was that blind wolf teeth are usually lying horizontally and not well rooted, which makes them easier to remove, once an incision is made.

  3. I've actually been working with the dentist for something like 3 years now. I love it. I wish it wasn't such an on again, off again gig, but a lot of the work she does is out of the area. I usually do learn something new . This time it was that blind wolf teeth are usually lying horizontally and not well rooted, which makes them easier to remove, once an incision is made.

  4. Blimey, what a mess! Just imagine if someone tried to start him under saddle with all that still going on!
