Saturday, April 18, 2015

What a Wonderful Day!

The weather was absolutely perfect yesterday. I started the morning with Luc, trimming hooves and then playing with the saddle blanket again. He started out kind of weird and jittery, but in the end we had a wonderful, relaxed cuddle session.
My sister was able to get away for a while today, so we decided to go for a ride. She's had her boy out already this year, but this is the first time Scout and I have been able to go anywhere.
Of course I had to go all the way to the other side of the property to fetch him. I really need to train them to come in when I call, even if it isn't feeding time.
We had a lovely ride! Scout really is a good, good boy. Not perfect, of course, but maybe perfect would be boring.

Later in the evening I spent some quiet time with Luc. He wouldn't stop following me around after I turned him back out, so I took him out to graze. Bella joined us on the other side of the fence. No agenda, just being together. That was nice.
Oh, and he is staying in the one strand of temporary fence now. So they all have the run of most of the property on this side of the creek. I like having everyone together. Scout doesn't seem to be picking on Pedro either.

Today is going to be just as nice as yesterday, so more fun times to come!


  1. Lovely pics! your day does sound wonderful :)

  2. Lovely!

    As to perfect horses, I guess they rarely do happen, but I've had some close to perfect ones and no they don't get boring. :)
