Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Again, with Horses!

We went out again yesterday to the area we'd explored in Sunday. There was a trail across the road from the well kept, marked trail that we hiked on. It was on the map as a road, but it wasn't really a road anymore.

John brought Bella this time. She was a much more responsive packhorse-in-training than Pedro. And a lot faster too.

We came across a gorgeous view of a big expanse of forest with no clear cut in sight. That is a rare thing in these mountains. Most of the land belongs to timber companies.

The view is always nice when you're following Bella. :) Until it gets so overgrown you can't see at all...

Not too long after that the trail was totally washed down the mountainside. A person might be able to scramble/slide to continue, but definitely not a horse. So it was only a 4 mile ride round trip, but that worked well with our limited schedule.

Pretty nice view from up here too.

Scout was very brave and forward, but he did keep his eye on any suspicious logs or rocks that came along.

Everybody was very happy when we returned home.

Later in the day Luc got a lot of attention and a hoof trim. He's such a good boy! I think he might be better behaved for trimming than any of my others.

Oh, and a fly spray review: I don't like Centaura. I bought it to get me by until my order of Flicks comes in. The aerosol spray is less annoying to the horses, but it doesn't work very well, and it doesn't last 12 hours. It does repel mosquitos though, maybe better than it does flies. I need to get Scout a fly sheet.

1 comment:

  1. That is certainly a lovely bottom to ride behind. :) You have beautiful country around you out there. Very different to where I live!
