Friday, May 22, 2015

Love Luc

Luc is so different from my other horses. Everywhere he goes, he's in a hurry. It makes me smile every time I go outside and he leaves whatever he's doing and comes flying to me at a fast trot or a lope. Sometimes even a gallop. When I go into his pasture, he's not really interested in hanging out, he wants to do something. So if I just pet him, he'll usually walk a few feet away and think about grazing. He's happier with our interactions if I halter him and have an agenda. Part of that, I think, is that he still has some slight issues with being touched if it isn't his own agenda, but a lot of it is just that he just can't stand still. I am so not that personality type. This is going to be an interesting journey. I think I'm going to have to grow a bit. He'll have to make some changes too, but he is who he is.

I just sat down in his corral the other day, and that was interesting enough to hold his attention for a few minutes, but he still left and came back a few times just because he could.


  1. Sweet. That's an unusual characteristic. I believe that's what they used to say of Secretariat though. He'd come running when someone was taking pictures, etc. He was a ham and didn't do anything half way.

    1. He is definitely a people oriented guy. Although sometimes I wonder if I flatter myself, and really it's all about food. But I know entertainment is a big factor too.

  2. Looks like he's going through a growth spurt. What an interesting fellow Luc is.

    1. He is continuing to grow, and he actually put a little weight on with all the extra food I've been giving him. I think he runs most of it off though.

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    He does seem very lovable. The restlessness may be just young horse stuff, or it may be his normal temperament - time will tell - but I expect he'll get calmer and more centered the more you work with him.

    1. I'm sure he will settle into more of a self-controlled citizen at some point. I haven't asked him for much adult behavior yet, but he's smart, even if he is impulsive, and he'll be a great horse someday. For now, we enjoy each other's company.

    2. I'm sure he will settle into more of a self-controlled citizen at some point. I haven't asked him for much adult behavior yet, but he's smart, even if he is impulsive, and he'll be a great horse someday. For now, we enjoy each other's company.
