Monday, November 09, 2015

Bringing Together

I did a lot of rearranging yesterday. Scout got to join Bella and Duncan. It was a totally anti-climactic event.  Then I put the donkeys in the neighboring pasture so Duncan could get used to them.

Pedro is so handsome. Even when he sticks out his tongue.

Bob (in the back, below) is doing great so far this fall. He even trots and lopes sometimes. I worry, with the hard times to come (monetarily), what will happen if I can't afford to feed him any more. He can't eat hay, so he is expensive to feed. Hopefully it won't come to that.

The neighbor cows came for a visit too. The whole herd was there until I started walking over, then they left.

 Duncan still worries about those scary donkeys.

I love the little white diamond on his butt.
I contacted the breeder that he came from yesterday, and she was not my type. More concerned with the state of the horse industry than about what's going on with the colt she raised. I also got some info from the place he boarded after leaving the breeder, and nothing had been done with him in his first 8 months, and he looked a little rough. I think he's had a string of uninvolved owners. Not any more!

In the evening we walked together over a mile, staying on the property. We even went up to the donkeys and shared treats through the fence. He is gaining a lot of confidence already.

When we got back, Scout wanted a treat too. Look at those big nostrils! He can smell a treat from a mile away. As you can see, Scout and Duncan are pretty comfortable with each other already, although Duncan would like a little more personal space.


  1. I know what it's like to feed expensive supplemental food to a horse--Old Red racks up the food bills. I sure hope a new job opens up quickly so you don't have to make hard decisions.

    I'm glad Duncan has you now. It sounds like he's been tossed around a bit and needed a loving home.

    1. I'm glad Duncan ended up here. The alternative could have been bad. A free horse has a lot of the wrong kinds of people interested. The next in line was a girl who couldn't afford board, wanted to trade... I could see that ending up with him changing hands, maybe ending up where no horse should go. I'm glad he's here.

    2. I'm glad Duncan ended up here. The alternative could have been bad. A free horse has a lot of the wrong kinds of people interested. The next in line was a girl who couldn't afford board, wanted to trade... I could see that ending up with him changing hands, maybe ending up where no horse should go. I'm glad he's here.

  2. Me too! I'll be so interested to watch his progress. Good luck to hubby in finding a new job. I'm glad you have your own job to help with money (and that you love it!)

    1. Thanks! I think he'll find something. He's had some offers, but all out of our area. He's leaning toward going back to school. It sounds like there is a program that would continue his unemployment payments while he gets a 2 year degree. He's thinking computer networking.

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