Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The wind and the rain and the hail come high

We don't have hail, but we have wind and rain in abundance. I swear, I'm not a total slacker. I just don't like working with the horses when it's windy and wet and cold. Which is why I haven't been writing much. 

I do have photographic evidence of the disgusting weather. Sopping wet horses. Of course they refuse to stand inside.

Today we might see a lot of downed trees and wind damage, as the whole region did a few weeks ago. I'm crossing my fingers my friends and family and we will come through it unscathed again. I am always so thankful that our water is gravity-fed, if the power goes out. 

What do you do on days when it's too disgusting outside? I read a lot, whine a lot, cook, and sometimes condition tack. I like to crochet but haven't got much use for the finished products. Maybe I should make an afghan. What I really should do is clean my house. Blech.


  1. It's pretty rare to have any sort of rainy day here, and we never get snow. It does get too hot in summer so we hide in the afternoons. I have a dozen things I like to do if I get a slow day. I like to crochet Amigurumi. You might want to look into that to re-interest you in crochet. There are so many adorable patterns out there! No crocheted fluffy hats for me! I make particular Amigurumi critters or figures for people based on what I know they like, then gift them to them as a surprise. I also play a few musical instruments and so always have something to pick up and twiddle with. I do art too. Mostly ink and watercolour lately. Really, I need more rainy days! Bring 'em on!

    How cute is that wet curly fur? :) Is he more vulnerable to rain because of it?

    1. I looked up amigurumi & they are adorable! Not sure I have the patience but maybe I'll give it a try.

      His curly hair is fairly greasy, which I think helps keep him warm even in the rain. I haven't seen him shivering or looking miserable at all. I am grooming him whenever he's dry enough and keeping a careful eye out for rain rot.

    2. I looked up amigurumi & they are adorable! Not sure I have the patience but maybe I'll give it a try.

      His curly hair is fairly greasy, which I think helps keep him warm even in the rain. I haven't seen him shivering or looking miserable at all. I am grooming him whenever he's dry enough and keeping a careful eye out for rain rot.

  2. The weather has been good enough so far to get a lot of horse time in, but when it gets truly bad I'm going to read a book, I think, and bake...maybe. This Saturday is supposed to be snow, so I plan to make chocolate covered cherries and put up the Christmas tree.
