Friday, March 04, 2016

Surgery done! & Another Saddle

Had my surgery yesterday. No way is it "no big deal" as I'd been told, although it might have been if it had been more routine.

The surgery itself, which usually takes an hour and a half, took three and a half hours. My uterus with its fibroids was 7x4x4 inches. I think it's supposed to be more like 2x3.

The pain has been really hard to manage, I think because my innards are so offended. They were so compressed before, and then all that rooting around, and now they have room again, which I guess might make them angry for a while. So I'm still in the hospital instead of going home same day.

I feel a lot better this morning. More human, but still hurting. No reason to think I won't go home today after they transition me to oral meds.

In other news, I sold Duncan's Crates saddle. It just wasn't comfortable and was very cheaply made. Now we're trying out a Billy Cook barrel saddle, which is super comfortable and has rough-out, which I really like the idea of for first rides. I don't like the skinny barrel horn but it seems low and out of the way, even if it doesn't look it.

I only have crappy pics, but I'm going to share them anyway.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Glad the surgery is over with and hope you feel much better soon.

  2. I had surgery for fibroid tumours years ago.....way better after!! I'm wanting a light barrel saddle too....I hate the horns and they are not all created equal that's for sure.

  3. I'm feeling pretty good now that I'm on oral meds. Even went for a little walk and kissed my donkey over the gate.

    The gas they pump you full of is the worst! It's hanging out in my shoulders and inside my ribs. But getting better all the time.

    I think I'm really going to like this saddle. I like how the fenders aren't bulky and they're very supple. I'm itching to try it on Scout as soon as I'm cleared to lift it and ride.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The people who say it's "no big deal" are mistaken! It may be a routine surgery, but it is a major disruption to the system! I hope you feel better soon. Most women report drastic improvements at the two-week and six-week marks after surgery. You're right about the gas. It's absolutely awful!

    I suggest the hystersisters forum if you feel like talking to others who have had similar operations. They can be a great resource if you have questions or need information. I'm sure you'll feel much, much better after you recover.

  6. Thanks! I'll look up hystersisters.

    I'm feeling pretty OK so far. Even got dressed and hobbled my way through a tack swap right near home. Didn't find anything I needed, though.

  7. Thanks! I'll look up hystersisters.

    I'm feeling pretty OK so far. Even got dressed and hobbled my way through a tack swap right near home. Didn't find anything I needed, though.
