Friday, April 29, 2016

Head Injury Sucks

So I'm all confused, sometimes have trouble speaking (no so you'd necessarily notice, but I notice), and I get nauseous and dizzy if there's too much going on around me. I have to have someone double check me at work, to make sure i don't give any patients the wrong dose. I write down the wrong numbers, skip or transpose letters. All small stuff, but so very frustrating. And the ER doc didn't put down on my paperwork that I had a concussion or a TBI. Although he did use those words in person. Actually, I haven't gotten the record for my second visit yet, maybe he will say it in that one. I had an MRI done on Tuesday just in case, and it was good. I just need to take the time to heal.

It could be a lot worse. And most of the time I'm positive and thankful. I'm just a little whiny right now. Wish I could take the day off and rest. But I have all weekend for that.

I've still been spending time with the horses, grooming and just hanging out. It keeps me grounded. :)


  1. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sounds horrible. Head injuries are so scary. Hope you get past this soon.

  3. Sounds horrible. Head injuries are so scary. Hope you get past this soon.

  4. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I had a serious head injury back in 2011 and know just what you mean - the nausea, headache, difficulties with vision - I couldn't go to a movie or even drive as the visual motion was too much, and difficulties with balance and sleep are really nasty. Hope you're feeling better soon - most of my symptoms went away after about 6 weeks, hope yours is shorter.
