Friday, April 22, 2016

Scary, but Could Have Been Worse

On Wednesday I got the go-ahead from my doctor to do whatever I want, including ride (I'd already ridden a couple times).

Then yesterday this happened:

Liam and I are OK. Today I'm happy to be alive. Hurting, but I'll take it over the alternative. Nothing broken, not even any blood. We were at a complete stop waiting to turn left, the other guy was going 50-60 mph in a big Dodge pickup. He didn't see us until the last instant.

My little car did us good. I'm so going to miss it. I've had it for 16 years and 360,000+ miles.

Not gonna go for a trail ride tomorrow like I'd planned. Walked an easy mile this evening and regretted it. :/ Head isn't quite right.

Liam is fine but had a panic attack today. Not sure how to help him other than to talk about it and try to reassure him. If he can't get through it I'll get some professional advice.


  1. Oh my goodness Andrea! So glad you guys are okay! A truck going 50-60!? That could have turned out so much worse.

  2. Wow, so glad you are OK!

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Very scary - glad you guys are (mostly) OK.

  4. Holy cranberries! The amount of damage, I'm surprised you weren't hurt. WTH was that other driver looking at, going that fast, that he plowed into the back of a stopped vehicle? I'm sure you will see your dr again - if you have whiplash, you'd be better to sue sooner rather than later. Regardless, I see a new car in your future. Glad you guys are okay.

  5. That's terrible, but I'm glad to hear everyone is okay. There is a reason driving scares me. I hope Liam feels better soon.

  6. Thanks everyone. It was close to being really bad, but it wasn't, so I'm thankful. I feel a little bad for the other driver. We all make mistakes. But I might feel differently he'd hurt my kid! Today will be a fun day of trying to figure out what to do from here. Hopefully get a physical therapy appointment and I think I might see a regular doctor too, just to check up on a few pains.

  7. I'm glad you guys weren't hurt, but what a scary experience! I hope he was insured. Sorry about your car. Those little Toyotas are real champs.

  8. Bloody hell! So glad you both walked away!
