Wednesday, July 27, 2016

So I sat on Duncan for the first time th other day. On and off, both sides, several times. He was pretty chill. After the last time he came and pressed himself up against me with his shoulder, like he maybe wanted me to hop up there again? I don't know what that was about.

He can stand still all day while worrisome things happen, but when his feet move it's a different story. He gets tight, bunched up, worried, or even sometimes jumps a bit. So I didn't ask him to move.

Last night I lunged him with some strange things over the saddle, which he did pretty well with other than being tight. Then I climbed up in the saddle and draped myself over, rubbed the other side and had him look at me on both sides. Lastly, I asked him to walk on. He backed a few steps, moved his hind end over, and finally took one step forward, confused and a little concerned. So I hopped off and praised him a lot and called it a night.

He's so fun fo work with. He really enjoys our time together. I think a little bit about how I could have done this faster (although I have to give myself some slack for the illness/surgery/accident time off) and then I think how far we've come and how well adjusted he is now. He was so uncomfortable when he first came here. Hard to catch, impossible to handle his hooves, scared of the saddle, etc. I think we're doing just fine.

Speaking of well-adjusted, he and Scout both get to see the chiropractor tomorrow. Scout got into the hay storage area in one of the grain bins and injured his back. His hips aren't moving right and I think he's having nervy sensations in his hind legs because he was kicking the ground when I rode him.  I suspect Duncan has been out in his poll this whole time. He could just be head shy but I think there's more to it than that.


  1. You're doing a lot, and I think you'll be riding him soon, too. It would be nice if you had someone there to spot you when you first start out. Having my trainer was a huge help. But you've done it before, so I'm sure you'll be okay. :)

  2. Yep was going to suggest the same thing. Someone to lead him a step or two at a time and shut things down if he gets spooked by bringing his head around so you can step off safely. They understand the forward cue well from leading so using those added to a rider at first really helps them. Of course you don't need to have one, especially since you did ground driving and have some extra cues in place, it just helps, with most horses for that first few forward steps. Sis and I have done it lots of times but her latest baby (super curious, super treat-orientated, super mouthy, a cheeky smart-arse) was so interested in me that it was hard to keep his attention properly on her being back there, and at one point he forgot she was there and suddenly noticed her, so that wasn't so good. :D First time that has ever happened to us though. He's really unusual.
