Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Found Ring!

It just showed up in the middle of the floor here at home. Yay!

Also, I sold the Crates saddle and bought a cheap, lighter weight Fabtron saddle. I like it. It seems to fit Scout pretty well but it's a little wide for Duncan. It doesn't seem to bother my neck as much. Maybe I'll ride in it soon.

And in case you forgot, Juniper is very cute.


  1. I thought I lost the turquoise necklace I wore to my daughter's wedding. It was AWOL for a month, and my mom bought turquoise to make me a similar one (not that it would replace the old one, but she was being sweet.) Anyway, it showed up! I couldn't have been happier, so I know exactly how you feel!!

  2. Wow! So glad you found your ring!

  3. Yay you found your ring!

    Curious what model the Fabtron saddle is?
