Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Lost a Friend

I had a call tonight the a former co-worker died in a car accident on her way to college in another state. We didn't hang out together, I didn't see her often after she got a job with more hours, but I loved it when she dropped by to see us. I would have adopted her as my own. She was only 18, just graduated from high school. Full of life, sarcastic as all get-out, so much fun. A real go-getter. We had a lot of fun working together. She had so much struggle behind her and so much good ahead of her. I can't believe all that was to come just isn't going to be. I don't know how her parents will go on. She was too young and too bright and wonderful to just be gone.

I am honored to have known her lovely spirit. She conquered her obstacles and brightened the world. I'm sad now but I will remember her exuberance and her smart ass smile forever.


  1. I'm going to a funeral for my 22 year old neighbor and friend today. 18 is way too young to die, so is 22. I think it's tragic and I'm very sorry her life was taken so young. I feel bad for you and all who loved her.

  2. She sounds like a great person. I'm very sorry for your loss. xxx
