Sunday, September 03, 2017

Fire, birds, weather, no baby

My happy mountain getaway caught on fire yesterday. I don't know the exact location, it's just reports and pictures from locals on Facebook so far, but I'm bummed. It's SO dry right now. I hope they were able to get it put out quickly but it smelled like fire here all night. I haven't seen any official news yet.

On the bird front, it's going to take some time to transfer them to my care. For now I will just be listed as a helper. The ravens are magnificent creatures! I love their voices. They are stressed right now because of all the change in their lives, but I hope they'll come to be more comfortable with me.

The heat and my headaches have been keeping me from riding, and I guess that's OK. I just am not going to make it into a chore that I have to do. We ride when we can. I think the weather is supposed to get more bearable in about a week. Hopefully the smoke will clear some. Then, as long as my headaches will behave we will ride!

Still no sign of a donkey baby. I do see that her belly is bigger on the right side, but if it weren't for that I would think she was just slightly portly. Maybe I felt some baby movement yesterday, but as usual, Juniper was just wiggly enough to make me wonder if it was her fidgeting. No bag at all yet. On one of my donkey groups online, a donkey recently had her foal at 14 months and 1 day gestation. That's just redonkulous. Why do they have to be so variable?


  1. I am so sorry about all these fires. I wish we could send you some of our rain, we've had too much.

    I'd love to see and hear more about the ravens. They are amazing birds, so intelligent and quirky. kind of like donkeys:)

    I'm also anxiously waiting for some baby donkey pictures. I need a fix:)

  2. Our park was on fire Friday, too. 15 acres burned before they go it out. We were lucky to have so much support from the fire crews. Someone had an illegal campfire that started it. We think it was the homeless who camp in there. There are some truly mentally ill who are on the streets and end up in the parks. Sad situation. I'm with you about not riding in the heat. I've been doing other stuff, but mostly just surviving. We need cool temps and rain!
