Monday, May 28, 2018

Ass backwards, and Love at First Sight

After feeding supplements yesterday I needed to clean out the trailer. Juniper wanted attention so I brought her along. We practiced trailer loading. She's only hauled loose or in the last stall of the trailer, never between dividers. Understandably, she isn't comfortable with being wedged up into the front corner. But she would stand there backwards. So I shut the divider and praised her to high heaven while she stood there, very uncomfortable with the whole situation.
I kept it short and sweet and then let her out. I call it a win if she doesn't get so worried she poops, and she didn't. :)

We ended up going on a llloooonnng ride yesterday. Nine miles up toward Prospect Peak out by Gold Hill. It's a really nice ride. We walked over a third of it to give the horses a break.
While we were riding I was wondering, Why did I feel safe with Sawyer right off the bat when I met him? (This is the love at first sight portion of the post.) Like when you meet some people, you just click with them right away and want to be around them more. Why? I've had one theory, that time isn't linear, and that we recognise people we know, before we know them. Also, I believe in reincarnation and knowing people from other lifetimes. But then there's the scientific theory, that our subconscious mind picks up on cues our conscious mind does not. I certainly had enough time to observe Sawyer being brought in and tacked up, to form a subconscious opinion. I climbed on him in less than ideal tack without even asking the owner to ride him first.

Whatever the reason I liked him then, I'm glad I found him. I only wish I'd found him several years sooner so I could love him longer.

Scout and John are sure making a good team too. I like riding with my husband. We both like to explore. I never have to worry that I'm taking him too far or into too hairy of a situation. He's always game for whatever I am. 
Actually I was the one who had to call it yesterday and say it was time to turn back. My old man horse was tired. We were exploring this nice grassy road that had a cool breeze blowing up out of the cedars. I half expected a wolf to trot by any minute, it was so quiet out there.
We dismounted and walked the last 3 miles. I think the horses appreciated it. My butt didn't mind either. :)

They are very good boys. They get the next few days off, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve felt that same way about several horses and each has played a different part. That’s a great compliment to him. I hope you get to love him for many more years.
