Monday, May 14, 2018

Catch Up

I'm always behind in the blogging game. But for good reason! Spring is busy! Liam has been playing baseball. Lots of baseball. His team is going to State this coming week. Tense stuff. My neice and her husband graduated from WSU and my dad came for a short visit. My daughter is getting married soon but hasn't decided exactly when yet. (No big ceremony allowed! She's so stubborn. I wonder where my kids get it?)

This is so me that I had to save it:

Work is super busy and my headaches aren't allowed to interfere (I wish my boss would have a migraine just once!) but most of the time I do enjoy my job. I just wish I could quit and play with horses all the time. Don't we all?

Anyway, back to the horses! Scout's back is so much better after a couple chiropractic adjustments. It was mostly his sacroiliac joint that was a problem.

Sawyer LOVES having shoes on. You should have seen him running around the pasture after the farrier was done with him. And he doesn't constantly try to head back to the trailer when we're out on the trail. He trucks along at a fast clip. Scout can barely keep up (he has shoes too but he's a fat marshmallow).

Sawyer doesn't seem to like wildlife crashing through the brush, which makes me think maybe he doesn't have as much experience in the woods as I thought. He gets over it though. We've seen several elk and he likes to suggest that we go the other way. He even spooked yesterday when a bunch of twigs broke as something ran away. Silly old man. I like that he spooks forward instead of sideways. That's a lot easier to sit.

I'm really looking forward to many more rides. My soul is so happy in the pines. There's nothing like the smell of the forest and the sound of a creek flowing, and a horse to carry you to a beautiful view. I wish my sister could still go with me. But she has been going for hikes! I'm glad she can get out there and breathe it in.


  1. I think everyone should have one at least one really good migrain, just they get the point:) I'm glad you are out enjoying your saddle time.

  2. I don't need a migraine to know how badly they must hurt! My brother gets them and they are debilitating. He locks himself in his room. I'm so sorry you suffer them, and I hope you get lots of healing time in those pines with your happy horses.
