Monday, June 18, 2018

Potlatch Canyon Trail

I love riding a new trail. This one is well-kept, easy, and beautiful. I'm sure it gets used a lot more than most of the trails I ride, but we only saw one family hiking. No motorized vehicles allowed, so no ruts!

Sawyer is so good, but he's definitely my horse now. He wanted to follow me to the toilet.

The first mile is paved. Interestingly, Sawyer preferred to stay on the pavement rather than get off to the side. I'm sure without shoes on the story would have been different.

Happy Trails!

Where did the guys go?

Gnarly burl.

Figuring out their GPS. They're getting ready for a trip to Mt. Rainier. Can't be getting lost in a white-out! Although it does make for a funny picture. :)

The Potlatch River

It's hard to see in the picture, but this was kind of a neat tree corridor along the side of the river.

There were some gorgeous meadows I would have spent more time in, but the guys were tired and we were almost back.

My sister gave me these awesome extra long romal reins for my extra long horse. Now I can drop my reins and not lose them. I love them! And riding without reins is so great for my balance and back. I'm not riding lopsided holding the reins in one hand. Of course it's not exactly safe and I wouldn't do this with most horses.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! I love that you’re enjoying all these beautiful trail rides!! Good for the soul. I ride with a round rein and drop it a lot now, too. Leah seems to appreciate it, as well. There’s a certain amount of trust conveyed. And they probably feel like it’s more a choice.
