Monday, July 16, 2018

Another New Cat

You might think I'm crazy, and you might be right. Maybe it's middle age. What do they call that, Midlife Crisis?  Nah. It was just a great deal at the right time. I've been wanting something like this for years. Quiet. Slow. Easy. Big Tires.

It's an old Honda FatCat TR200.

I've never really ridden a motorcycle before other than with my dad when I was probably 7 years old. So I had a vague memory of how to shift, but that's it. I must admit the first time I hopped on I thought I'd rather ride something with a mind that wouldn't do stupid crap when I froze up. :) I've never really been any kind of bike rider

But I'm getting the hang of it and I love it! I have a couple (or more) cosmetic things to fix up, but it runs beautifully. I'm going to spray paint the front rack and replace the seat vinyl today. Fun stuff.

It might be a while before I take it out on the logging roads, and I may never want to take it on a difficult trail. It's a heavy beast. I'm hoping it will help me discover some new places to ride my horse though. I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a new kind of adventure, for sure! Have fun with it!
