Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Catch up?

How can I possibly catch up? If I try to catch up I'll never blog again because it's too overwhelming.

Halla is still wonderful! But she did unload me in a spinning spook over some quail while I was taking a picture behind us. Not the right moment for shenanigans. I would be fine if she hadn't stepped on my bad leg that the mule smashed that is still damaged from 4 years ago. I won't be able to really ride for a while, although I have been in the saddle a couple times since then. It hurt.

I also won't be able to wear boots, because I can't stand anything touching my leg, so I finally got a pair of tapaderos. And I got her a saddle too, which I think she likes a lot better than the Orthoflex I've been riding in. Pics to come.

Bella is in drylot after having a slight bout of ouchy, warm feet - October laminitis attack.  She's fine now. She doesn't pose for pictures though.

Sawyer is in love with Halla, so I have him separate. It's really quite ridiculous how much he pines over her if I let them be together and then have to separate them. He's looking really, really good being on his own and able to eat enough.

Juniper needs all the love, all the time. And apples too.

Scout is Scout. Same horse, different day.

Liam has been riding Sawyer a bit. I hope he keeps it up!


  1. You guys have a lot of ride-able horses now, which is nice for the whole family to get into it. I'm so glad your son is riding now. Girls love a guy on a horse, and he looks like he belongs on one.

    1. I don't know if he'll keep it up, but I hope so! Of course, now that hunting season is here and my leg is stupid, riding opportunities are not so great...
