Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I hauled Halla and Scout to the vet/chiropractor yesterday. Halla was so good. No worries going into the strange building with the horse skeleton and the stocks, or seeing all the traffic going by, the tractor with the big sprayer booms moving on the hill, the mower at the school, and all the other business of a small town afternoon.

Her atlas and her C3 in her neck are out. The tiny bumps in her spine on her back aren't a huge concern becquse they don't hurt, there's no heat, and there is mobility there, but she did adjust that area.

She worked on her neck but it wasn't moving enough. Halla was pretty resistant to the work. Not bad, just not moving in the right way. We'll go back in a couple weeks. Until then we have some homework - stretches and icing some areas.

Scout is just fine. His adjustments have held, and he misbehaved just as much as he usually does there. He's like a big pushy, mouthy baby, even stomping and mildly kicking. I don't get it. He doesn't do that anywhere else. It's all nerves, poor guy, but it's still really frustrating.

I have no new horsey pictures, so I'll leave you with some puppy pics. We got to babysit over the weekend. :)


  1. They always feel so good after chiropractor work. I'll start it up again with Leah and Cowboy this winter when they're standing around a lot. I'm not good at doing my homework, but if I did, it would really help each of them. I'll try harder.

  2. Springer puppy! Squeeee!
