Monday, October 22, 2018


Everyone thinks they have the best dog in the world. Everyone is right. Especially me. Winston is the best nurse. I had to have some biopsies of my esophagus the other day. No big deal, it was so quick and easy, but the anesthesia and a migraine put me in bed for the day. He took his job very seriously. Professional cuddler and lumbar support.

Liam marched with the high school band in the U of I homecoming parade as the Logger mascot on Saturday. It was hilarious. Check out his "bone saw" (trombone/chainsaw).

I don't go out in crowds very often anymore, so I'm sure I'm more sensitive than I was when I lived in big cities and went to concerts all the time. Mostly it was small town people like myself and college students at the parade. But 3 young men moving fast, looking around too much, hands in the pockets of their hoodies, looking paranoid - that set me on edge a bit. The chances of something happening in my small town are small, but we have had two crazy shooter incidents here in recent history. Maybe I'm paranoid, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to worry about. They were probably just high. Nothing did happen.

One of my ducks, Sibbell, laid this egg right in front of us the other day. No fanfair, no fuss. Just plopped it out and went about her business. Zorro showed more interest in possibly mothering it than she did.

I was super dizzy and home alone the other evening but I wanted to try some adjustments to the new saddle, so Sawyer and I took a spin around the property.
As we came back into the yard a truck came down the driveway. Probably a neighbor, I thought. Nobody ever comes down our bumpy driveway, though. We are pretty secluded, nobody can see our house in the trees. Mild worry. Should I get off my horse, stay on? Which gives me the upper hand?  I wasn't worried enough to think about my bear spray (in the wrong saddle bag) or where my phone was. I stayed on, rode over to greet them. Phsycologically, if I look confident and taller... Who is this handsome young man and why does he have a box of cheez-its? :) Turns out it was my son getting a ride home. I thought he was coming home closer to midnight. Maybe I am paranoid. Just a little.

The above photo reminded me I forgot to share this picture I liked of Halla.

Going to catch my horse, I get a lot of "help"from a donkey.

I sure do love my Juniper but she can be a pest.

Yesterday we had a nice ride at McCroskey State Park. No hunting allowed in State Parks.

Beautiful views.

We wore our orange anyway, just in case.

I love scout's face below. If you look close you'll see his extra large shoo-fly hanging from his cinch. Since his tail is paralysed he can't swat flies. Hopefully this will help. I ordered it from Knot-a-Tail, who sells on Etsy and eBay. Nice stuff!
Halla does not pose for pictures! I just can't get a side shot, she wants to face and follow.
Couple funny... I guess we'll call them funny... stories from the ride. We were bushwhacking up and down this really steep game trail, no problem. I spotted the road below us and headed for it.  The route was easy, but there was one spot Halla refused to cross. I insisted (there wasn't really another way) and she went but she got all jumpy. I had rehearsed in my mind what I'd do if she spooked and spun again. Grab MANE - not saddle - with one hand, and one rein stop with the other. I did need to use that. And she didn't stop spinning for several revolutions. We'll need to work on that. But I stayed on and all was well. Her nerves were pretty frayed so I got off a little bit later and hiked for a while. I'm guessing there was predator scent there. Most likely black bear but could be cougar or wolf up there.

Later, two motorcycles came up on us FAST. I turned my horse to face them and waved my arm, heart racing, hoping they'd see us. They did, and very nicely shut off their engines and offered to take their helmets off as they rolled past. Halla was completely cool through the whole encounter even though my heart was going a mile a minute.

Funny the things that do and don't bother a horse. Especially a formerly wild horse. Usually it's people stuff that bothers mustangs, and woodsy stuff that doesn't. She has it backwards. She had a lot of exposure to people stuff though.

We ran into a wild bunch on atv's as we met back up with the main road. They were doing donuts and running up the bank doing wheelies, it was crazy. We just waited them out until they moved on, they never even knew we were there on the trail 100 feet from them. Other than that, all we encountered was a nice, slow car full of Mennonites on the road back. No worries. Halla doesn't seem to mind cars one bit.

Oh, and turns out those crazy atv drivers - at least one of them was drinking enough to stink of it. Safe, eh? They were at the trailhead when we got back. Great example for their kids. Makes me sad and angry.

I must go! Halla is getting her teeth did and Juniper is going along for the ride to see how she does with the dentistry trailer and the strange people.


  1. Liam's a hoot! He reminds me of my youngest son. Man, was it hard when he graduated and moved out. He always made me laugh. Still does.

    That's funny that your hen laid an egg right in front of you. Crazy!

    And, good you holding on and staying on when Halla went to spinning. Not an easy thing. I imagine it frayed your nerves a bit, too. It sounds like she did really well with the atv's though, which I would have guessed would be more scary and startling.

    I've never ridden at McCroskey State Park, but your pictures look beautiful.

    1. McCroskey is right in my back yard, just about 10-15 minutes from home. Love the views. If you ever come down this far I could meet you there. Not sure it's worth the drive though... Heyburn is prettier, and no motorcycles!
