Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bella has wax! Sorry to those who are easily offended, but I'm going to have to post an udder pic. Or several... Oops, you got lucky, just two.

This one was around 10 this morning:
I just love her speckles. Yes, I know, the "ponytail" is funny looking.

This is from about 5:30:
You have to look closely to see the little droplets of wax.

PLEASE send us some birthing vibes or prayers or what-have-you. I'm tired. Really tired. And I am dying to meet this wonderful little being.


  1. I hope I'm wrong for your sake, I think she is about a week off. All mares are different, she isn't filled up in the back. I've had them "pre-wax" like that, it's similar to "fools gold". Have her hips dropped? Tomorrow is a full moon, lots of babies born then. I'm foaling some out for friends of mine. I have one that will go by the weekend, her bag is filled up like a football. I also watch to see if they have leakage. If they have milk on there legs, it's close. It would be hard to notice that on your mare. I hope you catch her in action.

  2. I hope I'm wrong for your sake, I think she is about a week off. All mares are different, she isn't filled up in the back. I've had them "pre-wax" like that, it's similar to "fools gold". Have her hips dropped? Tomorrow is a full moon, lots of babies born then. I'm foaling some out for friends of mine. I have one that will go by the weekend, her bag is filled up like a football. I also watch to see if they have leakage. If they have milk on there legs, it's close. It would be hard to notice that on your mare. I hope you catch her in action.

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I am sending you every positive vibe...prayer and general happy thoughts...Right Now.
    I will believe that it will happen tonight, and you will finally get to meet this wonderful little being...and...Bella will finally get some releif.
    Call me the first possible minute after the baby gets here.
    May God give you both peace and strength.
    p.s..I like her purple pony tail...much more attractive than the previous one :)

  4. Twisted Oaks - I'm not sure what you mean by her hips dropped. Her croup area is lax, and most of the time her flank is hollow. But sometimes it isn't. Like the baby can't decide where to be.

    Her bag did a lot of filling yesterday, then went back down today. I didn't show the fullest picture from 2am, but now I have to go back and look at the hind lobe... Nope, it's not a whole lot fuller than the one I showed. It is in the middle but not the back. Maybe she is just positioning and having a hard time of it...

    Good luck with the horses you're watching!
