Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I just got a nice little uninterrupted nap. Then John came in about when he said he'd wake me up and said, "I think you need to get up." Now I realize he said it rather urgently, but then I was out of it and thought he was just waking me up. He said Bella was laying flat out with her legs stuck out and didn't get up when he went out there. I finally got my daft head in line and managed to get bundled up and get out there. (It snowed!) She was like that for a while. She'd lie flat and moan and strain, roll up onto her sternum and sit there for a while, then lie flat again and moan and strain. Eventually our being there bothered her and she got up and started eating again. Oh how I wish I had a monitoring system so we could watch well without bothering her. If she doesn't have it tonight I am going to seriously think about the baby monitor idea (if they have any that reach this far), and listen for the water to break. That didn't work with the other foal I had, somehow either she broke water quietly or I slept through it. But it would be nice to have...

Here's a picture (without flash), poor miserable thing. It was really rather alarming. Her eyes, nose and ears got all twitchy at one point. The glazed eye really kind of scared me. Now I realize rather than hope she'll have it soon, I'll hope she'll have it safely.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a safe, healthy, baby and mama! Hope it happens soon, I thought this post would be the one!!
