Friday, March 07, 2008

Last night was the first night I thought it necessary to check on Bella every two hours. She didn't have a baby though...

She was very agitated in the evening, biting at her sides, breathing hard, having small contractions, etc. Baby was very active too. She was really looking for reassurance. Not too keen on me touching her belly but she didn't give a darn about me tearing open a plastic Vetrap wrapper behind her, or braiding and wrapping her tail.

She did a lot of pacing all night. My friend Laura is visiting and staying in Liam's room, which has a great view into the stall. She spent a lot of time watching Bella last night.

Anyway... I'm not feeling extremely coherent. I guess I don't really have a lot to report.

I've decided to start taking her temp every morning and night to get an idea of when it changes prior to birth. I wish I could order one of those foaling alarms for her halter, but I'm sure she'd then have the baby before it got here.


  1. Foaling alarm for her halter? What exactly does that do??

  2. It alerts you when they lay down flat. I think there may be a time involved too. Maybe they have to lay flat for at least 5 seconds or something. You can get them so they call your phone when that happens. Pretty neat. Plenty of false alarms, but probably not many when you're sleeping. At least not for Bella, she doesn't seem to lay down at all at night.

  3. Wow, that's amazing! I wonder what they will come up with next!!
