Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sorry, I've been a blogging slacker lately. Or maybe a slacking blogger. Not a lot going on... Watching Bella like a hawk. I think we have a week or so to go. Maybe longer. Hee hee. What point is there in trying to quantify the time left? She's going to do whatever she wants.

Oh! I do have some news. We did the nail test. It's where you hang a nail (not rusted or galvanized) on a string (or tail hair) over the mare's loin. If it swings in a straight line it's a colt. Circle is a filly. I used my wedding ring (like some women do for their own babies) and a tail hair. COLT! Laura tried it too, because she thought it was too voodoo. She got the same result. We shall see. I've dreamed it's a colt, and so has Katia, and Laura thought it was a colt too. I wish I had someone to do the nail test who thought it would be a filly. Gotta go, horse freaking out over buddy leaving...


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Well you just invite me on over and I'll do the test for you. Because I'm telling ya... That's a filly in there. =P

  2. Come on over and give it a shot!

    Actually, if I could drag John into the barn I'd have him do it. He's adamant that it's a filly... Maybe I can con him into it tonight.
