Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I almost forgot to post pictures of Bella and Scout to show Kara how close they are in size. I think there's only a difference of 3 inches at the very most, and his rump is probably even with hers right now. I think he'll probably outgrow her, but he could surprise me. He's not even quite 14 months old yet, so I think he should have a good amount of growing left to do.

Not the most flattering pictures, but they show both of them together:


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Very pretty - and look at all that beautiful chrome - I'm a sucker for white markings.

  2. I love the marking on Bella's left front leg. They sure do look related :)

  3. He's HUGE! He's for sure gotta outgrow her.

  4. Will you look at that lovely mane my girl has???

    What...you forgot that two of your horses are really mine? LOL.. Scout is absolutely huge looking. A nice strong lad, he is.
