Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I didn't have time for any horse work yesterday. We had a surprise sheep work day. I got to take my friend Laura along, and she took pictures and enjoyed the company of some bottle babies while we worked.

The flood of sheep:

Happy Angus:

Cute little lambs:

Melissa bringing another bottle baby to keep Laura company.
He's getting to be too big for that kind of handling. :)

We got home just in time for the kids, then had to do a rushed early dinner before the softball game, which ran until almost nine. Those people need to realize that kids need their sleep! Especially the younger siblings who are there watching. The girls lost the game but improved as it went on. Liam was an angel the whole time.

This afternoon will be even worse for running around, since we have t-ball, softball, and a band concert. May is a rough month. But I can get some work done while they're in school, so that's good. Hopefully I'll have some horse updates for you later.

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