Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today was an excellent horsey day. First I took Zaz a bucket of grass, changed his halter, and groomed him a bunch. Later I went out again and got him started on learning to lunge and leading a little better. I also wrapped the weight tape around him, he's about 750 lbs. He didn't mind the tape too much, once I'd introduced him to it. He got to meet Laura up close, and he was kind of nervous. He stuck his nose on me for reassurance like he would with a trusted horse friend. That was sweet and flattering.

Here's a picture of Bella and Scout that I just love. They were kinda grumpy with each other, I think Bella was trying to tell Scout she wanted her back scratched. But other than the ears it's a pretty pose.

I got Tonka out and took him for a short ride. The first since my concussion. He was his same self, pretty good but not perfect. :) He'd probably be perfect if not for me and my imperfections.

While I was saddling up Zaz kept sneaking up to say hi.

I didn't want them striking at each other through the fence so I kept shooing him off (although I must say they were being pretty good). This is what he did when I chased him off the first couple times:

He's got some nice animation there!

While I rode Liam waited patiently for his turn. He and Zaz made friends.

Then he got to ride his horse and he had a blast.

What a great day!

(Oh yeah, I also put fly spray on Zaz. He was curious and a little flinchy but never even moved his feet. What a good boy!)


  1. Wow! Scout looks like he is as big as Bella! Do you have a good side-by-side shot to get at a size comparison? They sure do match eachother. If you ever got into driving, you'd have a nice matched pair! I know some people here who have sent horses to the Amish to be trained to drive. We have a large Amish community here. Some Amish don't treat their horses very well, but some do...just like I would expect in a culture where EVERYONE needs to interact with horses whether they are horsey people or not.

    I sure like Zaz. He's really cute. And Liam looks pretty at home on his old horse!

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I love Zaz's look - he manages to combine alert with calm at the same time - he looks as though he might be something special (not that all horses aren't). Congratulations on being able to ride again - looks like a good day was had by all concerned.

  3. In that first picture, Zaz's star looks like a "7" on his forehead! Sounds like he is doing well! I love the picture of Bella and Scout!

  4. That's a good pic of mother and son.
    Zaz is one of Wildairo's home boys. I have at least one picture of him with Wildairo in the BLM corral.
    He's knows the feel of Wildairo's teeth I'm afraid, lol.
