Monday, April 19, 2010

I took a leap of faith today and went riding with someone I'd never met in a place I'd never been to. It turned out to be wonderful fun! The lady I rode with was super nice, her horse was too, and the scenery was gorgeous! Above is the Palouse river and Steptoe Butte in the distance.

I wish this house hadn't ruined my picture of this neat covered railroad bridge:
If you look closely in the center of the picture there's an old train tunnel. We couldn't get to it today but we can cross the river later in the summer and check it out.
I'm very excited to have a new friend to trail ride with! Our schedules match up pretty well and I think we're both equally driven to get out on the trail and have fun.

I had to throw in this funny picture of Huck. He's very fast.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Glad that worked out - looks really nice!

  2. Geez--looks like a GORGEOUS ride. Did you meet her on the forum or somewhere else? Looks like there are a lot of new people on there I hope to ride with this spring/summer, too.

  3. I started up a forum similar to it but for down in our area. Mine isn't near as pretty as the Lilac City Riders one since I don't know how to do the backgrounds and haven't had time to figure it out. Anyway, we met through that. It worked out great and we're thinking we'll probably get together and ride once a week.

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Very nice pictures!

  5. That was smart--how else do you meet other horse people? It's kind of hard--especially lone trail rider types--which is what I like to do. You have to go with Trail Markers or Back Country Horsemen, but I like the occasional light ride around my busy schedule--so the forum works good.
