Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We went on another nice ride today. It was very relaxing having my calm horse back. I guess the difference was that he's been to this trail before. He got to play steady-eddie for a couple less experienced horses today.

Aren't these wildflowers pretty?
Here we spotted an obstacle that looked like fun.
We were game to try it but there was a gap between the two logs that I thought he might catch a hoof in, so we didn't. (I had to cover up fully even though it was so warm because I got a bad sunburn on my arms yesterday.)

He was really tired at the end of the ride but perked up when the dogs went after something.
We rode for four hours yesterday and two hours today, so I think he'll really appreciate having a day off tomorrow. My sister has another scare and will be getting a biopsy tomorrow so I'm going up with them to Spokane. Not sure what we'll do on Thursday but the weather looks like it should be good Friday so John said he'd go on a morning trail ride with me. Amy might go depending on what happens with the tests tomorrow. I really hope it's another false alarm and there aren't any more after this.


  1. He looks so handsome in the last picture! Good luck to your sister, I'm sure it's just a false alarm.

  2. Let me know about Amy. Have been diligently praying for her. Glad you are getting to ride. No one to ride with here and I don't like taking off in the woods alone.
