Thursday, April 22, 2010

My weekend plans have been very hard to solidify. Everything keeps changing! My sister forgot that this is the weekend of the Mark Rashid clinic, and at the very last minute decided she wants to ride in it tomorrow. She needs help so I have to go and audit tomorrow instead of Sunday like I had planned. Then Saturday there's a tack swap I really hope I can make it to, but I also have to go look at a horse (real great deal on a real good horse - if the horse is what they say it is) so I might not get to go to the tack swap. Sunday will be left open for family time. Can't do horse stuff every day I guess... Although if we have a new kids' horse we might just be doing horse stuff anyway!

My sister's most recent scare turned out to be nothing to worry about, after very much stress. They checked it yesterday and they have no question that it is not cancer. Whew.


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Glad your sister is OK! I hope you and your sister enjoy the Mark Rashid clinic - I've had the good fortune to ride in a number and they're a great learning experience.

  2. Oh its wonderful that Amy is doing well. Hope the horse works out for you. Can't wait to see everyone next Thursday.

  3. I'm glad your sister is okay. It must be horrible to have those scares. Lets hope it's the last one.
