Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I'm no good at suspense, and I didn't do anything particularly special to pick a winner. I just had John pull the name out of my awesome Aussie hat. And the winner is...

Kate! Her blog, A Year with Horses, is very thought-provoking and wonderful, so go check it out. Today she has a post up about a horse personality test and it was totally right on about my Tonka. He's a people pleaser.

I'm getting together my box of goodies to mail out. Some of it is hand made, some of it is hand-me-down treasure, and some of it is brand spankin' new. So Kate, email me your mailing address at andrea v at turbonet dot com and I'll send it out as soon as I can. I hope you like it!

I really enjoyed reading all your stories about your important moments with your horses! That was a lot of fun. Thank you all for sharing!

I had a wonderful birthday. Spent the morning on a trail ride with my daughter in the glorious warm sunshine. We saw a beautiful moose. She just stood and looked at us and then walked quickly away. Huckleberry wasn't with us. :) Later we saw some cows, a turkey, and a deer. The turkey walking along was the most disturbing for Tonka. He's a super good boy, didn't do anything dumb, but it bothered him. We did a lot of bushwhacking and I got us stuck once, but we managed to backtrack and find a way through the brush to the trail. I thought it was fun and I think Tonka did too, but Katia said Gypsy didn't like it much. She's herdbound and follows too close and I think she gets a lot of branches in the face. But she's such a good old mare! My daughter just loves her and of course I love any horse that keeps my kid safe! She's a love in the pasture too, which doesn't hurt a thing.

Then Katia and I spent the afternoon setting up new temporary fence to put the horses out on nice tall green grass. I actually kind of enjoy the mindless task of fencing, so it was good birthday work, other than the heat. I went inside and made us smoothies when we got too hot though. Later my husband and son came home and we had an awesome dinner and cake and ice cream. Just a quiet time with the family. It was great. I am lucky to have such a wonderful life and supportive, loving family.


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    OH OH OH! I'm so excited - that's wonderful! I really enjoyed reading everyone's stories too - that was a great idea. email on the way

  2. I loved the stories too, even if I didn't win. Glad your birtday was so great.

  3. Nice gift--congratulations, Kate. That's always fun!

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