Monday, June 07, 2010

I figured something out last night. You know Miss Dove with the nappy mane and tail that fall out when I brush them? And the super bunny-soft coat?She's a curly horse.
Pretty darn cool. That means she's hypo-allergenic. Not that it matters to me, I'm allergic to the stuff horses eat, not the horses themselves. But that bunny soft coat is sure nice, and maybe her curliness will help her find a home.

Today we had a nice ride and you know what? Of course the one time I opt not to take slickers we get soaked. So it was a short ride, but it was still fun. My girl went with me - I love it!
We saw a nice buck and an elk who may have had a baby nearby. Huck nipped at her and chased her off. Big meanie. But it did make it easier for us to get on down the trail.

I gotta run!


  1. Andrea are you trying to find her a home? We are looking for a super good horse for Makenzie to start on so if you know/hear of anything please let me know!

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM

    OK, a horse story (now that Blogger will let me comment again!) -

    When I was teenager, I had a wonderful QH mare named Snow. She was white with blue eyes (cremello?) and could do anything I asked - Western, English, you name it. I asked her to jump, and she jumped - up to 3'6". I have a picture of me jumping her (wearing no helmet, of course) - she looks relaxed. We did barrels, game, you name it. One day, by chance, I figured out that she could do sliding stops and rollbacks - I didn't know what those were at the time, but she could sure do them. We had a lot of fun with that one summer. I'll bet she could do spins too, although I didn't know enough to ask. Then, sadly, my family moved and my parents sold her - I was 16 and remember seeing her leave on the trailer - it was very sad. I didn't have another horse of my own until I was grown with children, and I still remember Snow and what a wonderful horse she was. I hope she found a good family who took care of her in her old age.

  3. Christa - Yes! I am looking for a good home for her. But she's not trained or anything. Just halter broke. Are you looking for a good broke riding horse for Makenzie?

  4. I'm hoping my puppy will grow up and go with me on rides, too--that's my dream for her-but I need to find places where dogs can be off leash.

    That's cool that you saw an elk!! If she has a baby, it's probably a good thing she got ran off. Fun ride.

  5. Hopew your birthday is wonderful. I have lots of other stories about horses. I ran away from home when I was aboutg 10, bareback on my horse, with 2 candy bars, I was barefoot and no coat or anything extra. We got about 2 miles and the horse turned around and took me home whether I wanted to go or not. I was so mad at her but it gave me a good excuse to be back home.

  6. Yeah we are looking for broke, broke, broke though lol. Makenzie is so nervouse about this but is so ready to do it at the same time. I'm being kinda picky when it comes to age cause I don't want a horse that isn't going to be with us for long so something under 18 but over 7 :)

  7. The fact that Dove is a curly horse still means she might be a mustang, right? Didn't the curly breed originate from mustangs? And I think there are curly mustangs still out on the range?

  8. Kara - There are a fair number of curly mustangs. I think a lot of breeders in the U.S. integrate them into their program. But I think the breed originated in Russia (or wherever Baskir is). But yeah, Dove could definitely still be a mustang or part mustang.

    Christa - good luck! I don't think I've ever found a horse that young that I'd trust with my kids (ours have been in their 20's), but then I'm never able to pay much either. A horse that's good with kids and still has a lot of years left would really be worth a lot. I can't wait to see what you end up with.

    I am really enjoying everyone's stories!

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