Sunday, June 06, 2010

What, nobody wants to win the giveaway? My wonderful 1000th post, 33rd birthday giveaway? I'm beginning to feel a little unloved... My birthday party was canceled too. Thbbt.

You can comment once a day starting yesterday until Tuesday, and your chances will be better! Just tell me your most significant horse moment(s), whether they be funny or shocking or touching or...

Here's an old picture just for fun since I haven't taken any new ones lately:


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Love the photo! Having trouble with the horse moment - I'm thinking and overwhelmed by possibilities - I'm thinking . . .

  2. I DID comment! I DO want to win!
    I'll even post a second memory...when you lived in New Mexico, and we'd go out to the corral to visit your horse-don't remember her name, but I remember thinking it was so cool that you had her!

    and why was your party canceled?! I call foul!

  3. Kate - I can't wait to read what you come up with, I know it'll be really good.

    Sorry Della! I know you commented, and didn't realize until after I posted that I sounded kinda rude like your comment doesn't matter. I didn't mean it that way!

    The horse in NM was Sips and we didn't have him very long at all. I don't remember the details but my sister didn't have permission to have that horse OR the knowledge to deal with a yearling stud colt. He kicked me in the gut once. I didn't remember that you'd met him.

    Party got canceled because my sister decided to have Sierra's party today. I didn't find out until it was too late to say we already had plans. Oh well, kid parties are way more important. We'll just do a little family thing on Tuesday.

  4. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you have a wonderful day, party or not!
    I have tons of horse memories, but a lot of them are from my childhood. When I was 8 yrs old, my first pony Black Jack, was laying down in the pasture. I went into the pasture and laid down with him, head on his belly, we laid like that for a long time. I was awfully brave at that young age!! Thank goodness he never moved! I would never do that now!

  5. Happy Birthday! I've been thinking about this post for awhile, trying to come up with my best memory, then Paint Girl just reminded me of my best memory:

    It was the summer that we got my horse Oliver and his sister Georgie. Oliver was two, and I was 14. My summer job was to care for our horses, so I would spent most mornings cleaning stalls, grooming, and riding.

    In the afternoon, in the heat of the day, I would bring the horses inside to escape the relentless horse flies. I would sit in Oliver's freshly cleaned stall, with a book. I would read aloud or to myself. Oliver would lay flat out and sleep, or else stand directly in front of me, his nose resting on my knees, his eyes closed.

    I can remember vividly the sun streaming through the window onto the sawdust, and the swishing tails of the other horses in the barn.

  6. I've been checking in regularly, but I don't have time to comment as much anymore--something is always pulling me away--lately a chewing, pottying, playing puppy--and this one takes some thought!

    I think my best horse memory was of the first colt I raised and trained myself when I was a teen. I made so many mistakes with him, like letting the saddle get under his belly the first time I put it on him, but he turned out great anyway. The one thing I really got right with him was lots of time and lots of walking. He was always willing to trust me despite my lack of training experience.

    They say time=love, and I think that's true, and I think animals, especially, or maybe I should say ALSO, need lots of our one on one time.

  7. I have another :) This one is from recently when I took Sunny out for our first sorting event. I was so super nervous about the whole thing and when our turn finally came and we did a clean run I couldn't believe it. All that worry for nothing and a horse that finally loved what we were doing. I love that feeling!

  8. I have just recently found your blog and have been trying to read back through the archives -- but that's a lot of posts!

    I also rescue horses and trying to come up with the most memorable horse moment is tough! I think I'd have to say that when any of my abused or unhandled rescues have accepted my touch for the first time it's always memorable. :)

  9. I have 2 vivid memories. One recent on when I was a kid. The first was last March when Pepper lay down in the middle of the pond with me...................the first was when I was about 11 and I talked my uncle into getting onto my horse and he was going slow and I whacked the horse on the butt with a stick and made her run. He did not fall off. Happy birthday - sorry about your party.

  10. Hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

    Hmm, horsey memories. There was the time when I was young, my cousin had horses, and we crammed her in front, me in the middle, and my brother behind on her horse Heidi and went for a ride. I think I had the comfiest spot, even if it was a little squishy!

    Or there was this old guy with a field of ponies and for some reason some of the girls in the neighborhood would go ride them in the field, I have no idea if he knew or if we were allowed or what, but I remember riding one of them bareback with a halter and a piece of twine once and we somehow ended up cantering (may have been the first time I'd cantered) and I slid off the tail end and was more worried that my mom would be mad I got my jacket dirty than anything else.

    Or picking my mustang pony out at the corrals and watching him get brought in, haltered and loaded into the trailer, or the first time I thought to myself the heck with it and slid my leg over his back bareback and he just stood there like it was no big deal.

    Or the perfect walk to canter transition on Taffy once, she lifted up into the canter so nice and collected, will never forget that feeling.

    I think I'd better stop....
