Monday, July 19, 2010

It's funny how I'm dying to read everyone else's blog and disappointed when I don't see a new blog, but I don't have the time or energy to post anything myself. So here I am!

The boys got to try watermelon for the first time today, and they loved it! My dad bought Sox a whole one, and of course Cisco insisted on sharing.

I worry if it will make him sick, he certainly doesn't need the sugar. We'll see... I told myself it's mostly water anyway so it should be fine.

I think I'm going to stop Soxy's antibiotics tomorrow. I tried to call my vet today but it must have been a busy day, he didn't call back. I'll get him first thing in the morning tomorrow. I'm also going to ask if I should keep her on Tri-Hist. It seems to be helping now that I'm giving it twice a day instead of once.

Tonka didn't get much attention today but he did enjoy drooling his watermelon all over the front yard.

Have my resume almost done, just have to ask my vet if he'll be a reference (since I'm applying for a job at the practice he owns, I thought that might help). I'm excited. And nervous.

I guess that's all I've got today.


  1. I tried to give my crew some watermellon and none of them liked it! Tabasco look a bite chewed it up then spit it out lol.

    Good Luck with the job app! I don't think you need any luck tho :)

  2. Our horses love watermelon. Won't hurt them a bit. Hope you get the job if thats what you need to do.
