Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today I took my resume' in to the vet's office. I'm excited. Although my vet's first question was, "Have you ever done a catheter?" Well, no... So we'll see.

Then we went and spent the rest of this hot day in the mighty Palouse River, way up in the mountains where the water hasn't had much time to warm up. It was great. I even got in and swam a bit. And then I got the joy of putting on warm clean clothes afterward. It's funny how you can remember how enjoyable that is, but not really remember the full wonderfulness of it until you do it again.

I think someone is coming to look at Dove tomorrow. It looks really promising. I'm not going to hold my breath, but she seems like she'll actually show up.

Going camping this weekend, I'm pretty sure. Hoping to go out to Horse Camp and snag the good camping spot if my mom's RV will fit there. I'd really like to take my horse. But we might just go to the campground.

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