Wednesday, November 14, 2012

 Today Pedro tipped the scales in the other direction.

 He made it clear almost immediately that he wasn't going to put up with any nonsense.

Then he clamped onto Scout's throat and wouldn't let go.

All the while he was making horrible donkey noises.
 It kinda scared me.  I turned around to grab something
 to whack Pedro with, but before I had to do that Scout broke free.  
He's missing some hair but there was no blood.

Pedro ran him around the pasture while I considered what to do.

It is slick as heck out there, so I decided to catch Scout and move him back in with his mom.
Which turned out to be a good decision because Bella was thinking about breaking through the fence to 
kick some burro butt.  She doesn't put up with that kind of crap, especially when her colt is involved.

So now I'll just keep them separate for the time being I guess.  I'll try them together again sometime when the ground is more solid.  I really would like for them to live together and chase each other around, just not too much.  And I'm hoping Scout will be smart enough to keep his tender throat out of reach in the future.  I'm sure that with time they'd work it out.


  1. Wow Pedro was really serious huh?

    I did not realize that Scout was Bella's son.

    I guess that explains why they look so much alike.

  2. Did not know that Pedro had it in him. Guess he showed Scout!

  3. Andrea, perhaps Pedro was playing. Yuma and the other donkies play that way all the time. One chases the others for a while and then they chase him for a while. They grab on with their teeth, all in donkey play. So I wouldn't be too worried.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I was wondering if they might be playing only because my two play ROUGH. They are having a great time biting, chasing, riding each other and pretend kicking. They do it many times a day.

    Is it possible Pedro was playing like a donkey, but that Scout didn't know what was happening...?Sher

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I was wondering if they might be playing only because my two play ROUGH. They are having a great time biting, chasing, riding each other and pretend kicking. They do it many times a day.

    Is it possible Pedro was playing like a donkey, but that Scout didn't know what was happening...?Sher

  6. I'd like to think Pedro was playing, but I kinda don't think so. I've watched Bob and Pedro play, and it is rough, but it doesn't have the kind of determination Pedro had when he was picking on Scout. Who knows though. I'll try them together again sometime when the ground isn't slick.

  7. If Scout was approaching Pedro with nonsense on the brain, Pedro decided that Scout wasn't the top horse and moved him around to illustrate the point. A photo from an earlier post shows Scout approaching Bob to try and get him to move, which is a dominant behavior. They're trying to establish the herd hierarchy, but that can only happen if they're left together.
