Friday, November 16, 2012

Busy days!  No time for the critters.

Just wanted to post that I may have another job!  Yay!  It would be front office at a vet clinic.  I don't know any details yet about hours and pay.  I hope I don't have to leave my two other jobs.

My brother in law is having back surgery today.  Cross your fingers for him. 

Today I am missing my Tonka in an, "I can't believe how lucky I was to have him," sort of way.
He was such a big friendly goof.


  1. Oh Tonka! What a handsome man he was!
    Congrats on the new job!

  2. Tonka was so beautiful!! I just feel so sad for you!! I could never imagine what it is like to lose a heart horse (or any horse for that matter)!!
    Hope you get the job, but dang girl, 3 jobs? I don't know how you do it!!
    Crossing my fingers for your brother!!

  3. Thanks for the congrats!

    I only work 2 6 hour days at the one job, and very sporadic at the other, so I'm hoping I can manage to keep all 3. I'm also hoping this one pays as well as my 2 day a week job, or I might have to turn it down. We'll see...

    My brother-in-law's surgery went well, but he probably won't feel real great for a couple weeks. :/

  4. Wow---what a looked! I'm sorry for your loss. He looks like a horse with a lot going on inside him, too.

  5. I meant, "looker". Darn auto-correct.

  6. He was such a handsome boy :) I wish I'd had the chance to meet him. I still like to think of him as Cody's uncle, lol, since they are both from the same HMA :)

  7. I can understand you missing him - I have those sort of days at times.
    Congrats on the potential new job - bringing it to 3? Wow!

  8. He was a lovely fellow.

  9. Thank you all!

    I look at that picture and his ears look so huge, but aside from that, his spirit is shining through in his expression. He was one of a kind. :)
