Monday, November 19, 2012

Well, I got the job!  I think I was hired before I even walked in the door.  Good stuff.  :)

Looks like it will be either full time or pretty close to it.  Not really what I was looking for, but heck, might as well jump in with both feet.  Considering I'm sick as a dog I figure it can only get better from here on out.

Speaking of "sick as a dog,"  I wonder how that saying came about.  And "healthy as a horse."  Seems like it ought to be the other way around.


  1. Congrats on getting the job!! Hope it all works out for you with the other jobs too!!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  2. Congratulations, and feel better soon!

  3. Yay!!!! Congrats my dear. I hope you feel better soon.
    Are you going to be able to keep your other two jobs? Three jobs is a lot when one is almost full time already.
    How great is it that you get a job working in a vet hospital. I would give anything to have a job doing something I enjoy instead of just something I do.

  4. Congrats! When do you start?

  5. Thanks all!

    I started Monday, since the person I'm replacing was leaving today. Talk about crash course. Luckily there are two other people there who know more than I do, if not as much as the person who left...

    I won't be able to keep all of the jobs, but I'm hoping I'll still be able to do some equine dentistry help sometimes. I enjoy that more, of course, because there are horses involved!

    Working in a vet's office is fun but it's not as fun as you'd think... You can't make stupid mistakes - it might kill someone's pet. Like say if I dispensed medication and messed up on dosage instructions on the label... Or all sorts of other mistakes that can be made... So I'm kind of slow but it's because I'm making sure I'm getting it right. Eventually I'll get quicker at it. There is SO MUCH to learn!
