Sunday, November 25, 2012

 Yesterday we took the boys for their first walk down the road.  I knew the neighbor horses would get all stirred up but I wasn't sure how Bob and Pedro would react.  They took it all in stride.  That's my nephew lugging Bob along behind him. 

When we got a ways down the road we stopped to look at some llamas.  I don't know the people who live there, but they sure have a lot of junk.  Some of it is really cool junk though.  The llamas and donkeys were both quite enthralled with each other.  No silliness though, just a lot of staring.

Pedro laid around a lot for the rest of the day yesterday, and he was gimpy today.  I think the walk on gravel wasn't good for his sore front feet.  Poor guy.  I'll keep the walks shorter and softer now that I know it bothers him.  I can't wait for his hooves to grow out normally.

This afternoon I cleaned out the truck.  I've barely been using it now that John has the company car and I can drive my little Echo.  So when I cleaned it out today it still had stuff I'd packed for the camping trip when Tonka had his accident.  In the back was a spoon with horse feed on it from the last time I mixed his grain.  The parking permit for the WSU vet hospital.  It made his death fresh again.  The sense of foreboding before the trip.  The panic, the desperation, the sadness, the horrible feeling in my chest. 

So what better to do that go love on my two fuzzy sweethearts?

Pedro is magnetized to me.  I walk away, he follows.  It's very sweet.
Doesn't he have gorgeous eyes?

Bob loves to be loved, but he also loves to eat.  And he was highly offended that I had insisted he let me look at his teeth.

I'm not an expert, and their teeth are weird which makes it even harder, but if I had to guess I'd say Pedro was in his teens and Bob was in his 20's, not 9 and 19 like the guy said.  That's fine.  I'm just super curious to know how old they really are.  Can't wait for their first vet visit.

Some people rode by on their horses up on the road, and our horses and Pedro were on high alert.  Pedro didn't stop watching until a few minutes after they were gone.  He thought about calling out to them but decided it was too much effort.  Which is probably good, it might have spooked their horses. 

As I loved on the donkeys I noticed Scout and Bella standing in the nearest corner of their pasture looking jealous.  So I went and loved on them too.  Scout is a lot like Pedro in that he loves to follow me around.  Unless he thinks there might be work involved.  Which of course there wasn't today.  I just have no inclination to ride.  I figure it won't kill him.  Eventually if this keeps up I may have to find him a home where he will be ridden.  Not yet though.  I figure in spring I ought to get the bug again.  I hope.

We had a wonderful holiday weekend.  I'm sorry to see it end.  It's nice to hang out with family with no real goals, just relaxing and getting work done when you feel like it.  I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend as well!


  1. The donkeys are just so adorable. I love them! One of these days when I move to more property, I am getting a couple. I have been telling my other half that now for quite a few years!
    I also love this holiday weekend. I have never been able to enjoy it due to working in the retail industry for 18 years and then in the horse business. But now that I am retired, I enjoyed it so much! We didn't get much done, it was pretty much all about family, football and being lazy! It felt great! Happy to hear that you had a great weekend!

  2. The donkeys are just so adorable. I love them! One of these days when I move to more property, I am getting a couple. I have been telling my other half that now for quite a few years!
    I also love this holiday weekend. I have never been able to enjoy it due to working in the retail industry for 18 years and then in the horse business. But now that I am retired, I enjoyed it so much! We didn't get much done, it was pretty much all about family, football and being lazy! It felt great! Happy to hear that you had a great weekend!

  3. I love your donkeys...I know you do do to.
    I'm sorry that you are still struggling with the loss of Tonka, it is obvious that your heart is still breaking, and I wish I knew of some magical quick fix for you.
    Luckily you have fuzzy donkey hugs to help you through it.
    Glad you had a nice quiet weekend.

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  5. Oooh! I love that photo of Pedro! He's so handsome! And your son joining you for donkey walking is cute!

    Sometimes I don't feel like riding either and then I feel bad when someone asks me 'why aren't you riding?' I suppose it's like sex. Sometimes you want to do it, but you can often go a long time with just cuddling and spending time together, and not miss sex at all.

