Friday, November 30, 2012

Had an interesting week on the job!  My first two farm calls - all horses.  One to be euthanized, which I haven't actually been brave enough to witness before.  It went well, for what it was.  I felt bad for the owner.  Then one to be re-bandaged, and one colic who seems to be much improved now.  Some surgeries, x-rays, phone calls, lots of visiting with nice people and their nice critters.  I'm getting the hang of it.  I find coffee in the middle of the day really helps.  I normally would have a mid-day coffee at home, but hadn't had time for it my first week on the job.

Haven't visited with my own critters much, but I'm hoping to find enough breaks in the rain to do some hoof trimming this weekend, at the very least.  Looking forward to some time with my family as well.

I worked just short of 12 hours today after having nightmares last night.  I was tired but wired at the same time, but now I'm gearing down and I think I'll sleep okay.  I am NOT setting my alarm for the morning!  Think I'll let the sun wake me up.  :)


  1. Sounds like an interesting job and you are getting some good experience! I want to spend more time riding with equine vets for experience, but so far I've mostly been involved with dairy cows. Still interesting, but I'm hoping to get into more horses....

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are enjoying the new job. When you have to sacrifice time with the animals to work, at least enjoying what you do makes it bearable.

  3. Sounds like a busy and exhausting week. You deserve to be able to sleep in

