Monday, December 03, 2012

I came so close to bringing home a new horse today.  It's a very sad situation - a woman is dying of cancer and has 8 horses.  Her friend is trying to help find homes for two of them so the woman's husband isn't left to care for them all while he's grieving. 

I went to look at a gelding and ended up absolutely falling in love with a three year old filly.  I could definitely see her being my next special horse.  Absolutely beautiful appaloosa (supposedly a domestic born mustang but she seemed too refined)  - kind of a silver chestnut with spots all over, and well put together, and sweet and sensible.  I was about to say I'd pick her up tomorrow but then I noticed a bump on her back.  She was flinchy and sensitive when I pressed on it.  The vet thinks it's just scar tissue from an old scrape and won't cause trouble with riding, and I wanted to believe that, but then why would her skin crawl and twitch when I pressed on it?  I hated to say I couldn't take her, but I couldn't.  Bummer.  What kills me is, what if the vet is right?  Or even if she just needs a chiropractor or some body work and she'd be fine?  But it's too much of a gamble, and I already have 3 equines here that I can't take on a trail ride at this point.  Sucks.  If I had extra money lying around I'd take her anyway to do the lady a favor, and treat any problems she might have.  But I don't and I can't.

When I got home Pedro was standing at the gate staring at me, as if to say he's the only equine I'll ever need.  Maybe he's right.  I kind of like the idea of just going hiking with the donkeys, and having them carry me on occasion after Pedro's hooves grow out. And I always have Scout, who does need some riding. 

So, things are the same here...


  1. Bummer....sorry to hear it didn't work out.


  2. I understand your situation. Out of my 4 remaining horses, two are probably unrideable...sigh...

  3. It is hard to make decisions like that. But then as responible horse owners and lovers we have to be realistic about our limitations, even if it breaks our hearts.
    It still sucks though. Atleast you had a nice fuzzy donkey waiting at the gait for you to help you through it. :)

  4. um that was supposed to say gate, not gait. Oops

  5. For what it's worth, you made the right choice.

  6. Wise Woman. And Pedro and his buddy are adorable!
