Saturday, September 21, 2013

A quick hello

Scout went to work with me on Thursday.

His one good eye was very, very watery, and I wasn't going to wait and see with something that important.  But by the time the doctor looked at it, it was totally fine.  So he just hung out all day, eating the nice green grass.  I thought he'd be upset because he was alone, but he was happy as a clam.

Today Pedro snuck out the gate while I was taking Joseph out, so he had to "work" too.  I just tied them to the trailer and loved on them for a while, removed bot-fly eggs, and groomed them.  Joseph also got some fly spray.  (The donkeys don't seem to need it.) Super hard work, poor boys.
I almost forgot to mention!  I also checked Joseph's height - he's a full 15 hands now!  Just about perfect, in my opinion.  He was 14.2 when I got him, and I wasn't sure if he'd grow more or not.

Bob was upset that he wasn't included in the fun.
He got lots of attention later though.  Liam sat on his back for about 30 seconds (uncomfortable) and then I sat on the ground and kissed his soft nose and looked at his teeth.  They need work, but they're not as bad as I'd feared.  I think the front molars are just about worn to the gum.  He's an old dude.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Glad Scout's eye was OK - better safe than sorry. Love the pictures of your sweet equines.

  2. Yeah not to be a worry wart when it comes to the animals but eyes are different. Actually had my kitty in for a watery eye the other day and turned out to be from an infected tooth so I was very glad I took him!

  3. Argh that should be, "I try not to be a worry wart"!

  4. Love all the pics!
