Sunday, September 22, 2013

We went for a long hike yesterday and had a blast.  It was pretty tiring, a lot of up and down, and a lot of rock for the horses to walk on.  We went up and around Mineral Mountain at McCroskey State Park, and then back down, down, down, mostly on one long downhill stretch.  My knees were feeling it.  I wish I could do this every day, I'd be a lot more fit.

Huckleberry got to go with us because there are no cows to chase there.  He had to wear pretty pink flagging tape because I'm paranoid about hunters.
I took a lot of pictures of the beautiful views, but none of them are at all like the real thing.  You just don't get that 3D sense of looking down into a huge bowl.  I find I really like being up high looking into a valley.  Someday maybe I'll live in the mountains.

Joseph thought the dead bachelor's buttons were irresistible.

We saw tons of elderberries.  I love elderberries.  Mostly because they're beautiful, but I like their unique flavor too.  I didn't pick any, but I wouldn't mind going back and getting some to make something with.

Joseph is so handsome!  He's especially dashing with my jacket draped around his shoulders.  :)

Scout almost made John spit out his water.  I can't remember why, but it was funny.

The long, long, descent.

I liked the way the light was hitting Scout on this section of trail.

"Are we there yet?"

The home stretch, with Huckleberry Fluffbutt in the lead.

I love the peace and quiet of the forest.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Joseph has a very kind face and eye.

  2. Such fun! Wish I had your energy!

  3. The trail looks like my "enchanted forest" trail in Montana that I love so much.

  4. I love those trails!! So perfect for a horse, human and canine hike!

  5. Sounds like fun. that place is so beautiful!
