Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We have had a very lazy day.  At one point we did venture outside though.  The donkeys were happy to see us.

Scout and Pedro had a little altercation.  Pedro finally won by claiming higher ground, but then they had a long and silent long-distance standoff.

Winston was enjoying walking on the pond.  Scout really wanted to figure out a way to get to him without slipping and sliding.
 (Huckleberry was there too, sitting behind me & being camera shy.)

Joseph thinks dogs are really interesting.  Winston is kind of oblivious.

He is so sweet!

They heard a distant whinny.

Bob was happy to have a friend.

Bella was her normal wonderful self.

I got lazy and they turned cannibal.

Here comes trouble.  I better get up.

And Pedro was still very well hidden behind his little bush.

I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday.  We sure did.


  1. They sure look happy and content. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  2. They sure look happy and content. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  3. Wonderful pics. A day late I know, but Merry Christmas!

  4. Wonderful pics, and I love the commentary. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours :)
