Sunday, December 29, 2013


For Christmas John got me a backpacking hammock and a big bunch of rope for my highline.  I think he might be more excited about our pack trip this summer than I am.  Or was.  Now I'm all fired up.  I also had a gift card and I bought Joseph a flat halter to wear on our trip.

My picture sucks, but it even says "Mustang" on the buckle.

At least I thought it was for him.  It didn't fit.
It does fit Bella fairly well though.
She wasn't too keen on having her breakfast interrupted for a photo shoot.

We've been talking a lot and we've finally settled on where we're going.  We're going to follow the Nez Perce trail from an area near Weippe, Idaho to Lolo Hot Springs in Montana.  I haven't done a lot of trail research yet, so plans may change, but so far that is the plan.  We have to find someone willing to pick us up in Lolo and get one of us back to our trailer, but I think my mom will probably be happy to do that.  She loves Lolo Hot Springs.  And I will love ending our long ride in the big hot springs pool.

I have always had a great respect for Chief Joseph and a great sadness for the plight of his people.  I think this will be a very introspective trip, and I'm very much looking forward to it.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful trip. I'm excited for you...but I'll be the anticipation is going to be maddening!

  2. Any idea if Joseph will be ready for the trip?

  3. I am enjoying the anticipation so far! So much planning to do!

    Joseph will have to be ready, either as a pack horse or riding horse, or more likely both. I don't mind hiking, but I'll have to get in better shape. :) John will probably have to lend me Scout to ride sometimes too.
